School-Based Primary Prevention: Video Series Overview

This video series is comprised of 20 videos broken into 5 Learning Modules.
While viewing this series, you will receive a comprehensive overview of the opioid epidemic and the role primary prevention plays in combating the opioid epidemic.

Series Introduction
Learn about the video series, navigation, and how to get ACT 48 credits

Module One:  The Real Truths of the Opioid Epidemic
Learn about truths of the epidemic and the future forecast of the issue

Module Two:  Primary Prevention - The Big Picture
Explore the foundations of prevention science and the elements of a primary prevention landscape

Module Three:  Essential Elements of Programs That Work
Learn about the essential elements of proven-effective prevention programs that focus to reduce many antisocial youth behaviors

Module Four:  How to Incorporate Primary Prevention into the School Environment
Explore the benefits of incorporating prevention into the school environment, how to gain stakeholder buy-in, and ways to increase engagement

Module Five:  What You Can Do to Help
Learn more about tools to assist those experiencing or who have those close to them experiencing a substance-use disorder

Click here for the full series via a YouTube playlist, to watch all straight through