EPIS Training and Events

Welcome to the EPIS Training and Events Information page: Increasing prevention impact through training and professional development.

Upcoming trainings:

EPIS Training's main objective is improving outcomes for families and youth through training and professional development. Since 2008, EPIS has been partnering with researchers, policy makers and real-world practitioners in an effort to promote the following objectives:

  • Broad scale dissemination of effective programs and practices
  • High quality implementation
  • Valid impact assessment
  • Long term sustainability
  • Cost effectiveness

As a result of these partnerships we have learned a great deal about what it takes to successfully connect research, policy and real-world practice in a way that translates into better outcomes for families and children. EPIS features trainings and resources in five focus areas that synthesize and highlight this knowledge.

  • Evidence-based Programs
    • Implementing an evidence-based program is a challenging and rewarding experience. For those who are providing the service to the community, such as facilitators, teachers or therapists, this experience can be improved by having a strong implementation plan and accessing proper training in order to implement with fidelity to the model. Policy makers looking to scale a particular model or address a public health concern or researchers looking to plan a study can also benefit from accessing these resources and trainings.

      When communities of providers, policy makers, and researchers come together they are better able to overcome barriers to implementation and sustainability. 

      Many resources are available for each of the evidence-based programs supported by EPIS, go to the EPIS Menu of Evidence Based Programs to access these resources.

  • Prevention Planning
    • Communities are faced with numerous issues related to the health and safety of children and families—including: alcohol and other drug use, juvenile delinquency, school drop-out, teen pregnancy, and mental health concerns. Prevention science has proven that these issues can be prevented by using a comprehensive, risk-focused approach to understanding the causes of these issues and developing effective health promotion and early prevention strategies. Additionally, community coalition building plays a key role in comprehensive prevention planning and implementation of effective strategies by empowering the local community to be a part of the solution.

      The Training and Events Information page is the perfect stop for local human services providers, coalitions of all types, state and local leadership, and anyone who is interested in learning more about the most effective methods for comprehensive prevention planning and coalition development.

  • SPEP™
    • The Standardized Program Evaluation Protocol (SPEP™) is based on Dr. Mark Lipsey’s meta-analysis of over 700 research studies to determine “what works” at reducing recidivism among juvenile offenders. Research findings indicated four factors most strongly related to recidivism reduction: (1) youth risk level and aggressive/violent history, (2) program philosophy, and type, (3) quality of service and (4) amount of service. The SPEP™ is used to assess a service according to these four factors resulting in a recidivism reduction score. The Performance Improvement Process is used to increase the service’s recidivism reduction score between assessments to increase the service’s likelihood of reducing recidivism among juvenile offenders.

      SPEP™ Informed Trainings can be facilitated for individual probation departments, service providers, or regionally upon request. For more information about SPEP™ Informed Trainings or inviting a training to your area, please contact Lisa Freese, SPEP™ Implementation Specialist at ljf16@psu.edu

  • Research & Data

    • Research and Data are valuable tools for policy maker is actually a multi-faceted process that includes maintaining quality, impact, staffing, buy-in, and knowledge over time.  Coalitions and program providers will want to think about sustainability as part of an overall commitment to high quality implementation and getting the best possible outcomes for kids and families. 

  • Sustainability

    • Sustainability is more than budgets and funding.  It is actually a multi-faceted process that includes maintaining quality, impact, staffing, buy-in, and knowledge over time.  Coalitions and program providers will want to think about sustainability as part of an overall commitment to high quality implementation and getting the best possible outcomes for kids and families. 

To support all of these goals, EPIS regularly coordinates trainings and networking events in Pennsylvania, Click the links below to find the full list of events and join our community today!