Operational Standards:
Funded sites are expected to be BBBSA affiliates in good standing and to follow national’s standards of practice for one-to one service and operational policies. All standards for program management- service delivery, inquiry, intake, matching, match supervision, match closure, case records, and confidentiality must be adhered to.
Match Supervision:
Case managers are expected to select, match, monitor, and close match relationships. Case managers should frequently communicate with each youth, volunteer, and guardian as instructed by BBBSA:
- Applications and interviews must be conducted all of parties and an appropriate orientation to services must be provided.
- Contact must be made with-in the first two weeks of making the match.
- Monthly contact is expected for the first year of the match.
- Quarterly contact should continue for the match duration after the first annual match anniversary.
- Match goals should be assessed at match initiation and an outcome-based plan should be created. The plan should be adjusted at least annually.
Match Interaction:
BBBSA recommends a minimum of 4 hours of match interaction monthly. The frequency and duration resulting in the proven outcomes indicated through research averaged about 3 to 4 hours per week 3 times a month for over 1 year. The Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD) expects funded sites to strive towards encouraging a minimum of 9 hours of interaction per month.