What are the theoretical underpinnings of TF-CBT?

TF-CBT is a hybrid treatment model that utilizes both cognitive-behavioral and social learning theory principles to help traumatized youth more effectively manage their thoughts and feelings related to their trauma experience, examine and change inaccurate or unhelpful cognitions, and build skills to relax, regulate emotions, and enhance safety. Gradual exposure is used to desensitize the youth to traumatic memories and trauma reminders. Whenever possible, therapists use these same principles to work with the youth’s non-offending parent or caregiver, with an additional emphasis on building parenting skills and increasing supportive parent-child communication.

TF-CBT is a components-based model, with nine components delivered over three phases of treatment: Skill-building and Stabilization, Trauma Narration and Processing, and Integration/Consolidation. The TF-CBT Logic Model provides an overview of the components and the goals of each.