Olweus Bullying Prevention Program (OBPP) is a universal intervention for the reduction and prevention of bully/victim problems. The universal program targets students in elementary, middle, and junior high school and school staff has the primary responsibility for the introduction and implementation of the program. Core components of the program are implemented on three levels:
- School-wide components include the administration of an anonymous questionnaire to assess the nature and prevalence of bullying at each school, a school conference day to discuss bullying at school and plan interventions, formation of a Bullying Prevention Coordinating Committee to coordinate all aspects of school's program, and increased supervision of students at "hot spots" for bullying.
- Classroom components include the establishment and enforcement of class rules against bullying, and holding regular class meetings with students.
- Individual components include interventions with children identified as bullies and victims, and discussions with parents of involved students. Teachers may be assisted in these efforts by counselors and school-based mental health professionals.
Target Age Range(s)
Readiness Tool
Eligible Program Activities/Expenses
Implementation - Data Collection
Data Tool
Evaluation Tool (Pre/Post Test)
Implementation - Program Implementation
Fidelity Verification
Communicating Impact
Data Report
Other Resources