
EPIS Learning Community - Hybrid Meeting Best Practices

  • Oct 11, 2023; 12:00pm — Oct 11, 2023; 1:00pm

Mark your calendars for this EPIS Learning Community on Hybrid Meeting Best Practices! This Zoom meeting will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 11th @ 12PM. This hour-long learning community will give participants the opportunity to learn about and collaboratively discuss strategies to best utilize the hybrid meeting environment in their work.

FFT Provider Learning Community

  • Dec 1, 2023; 9:00am — Dec 1, 2023; 10:30am

Join us for this FFT Learning Community on Friday, Dec. 1st @ 9AM via Zoom. Build community with other FFT providers across the state! These learning communities are geared to FFT providers and any providers looking to provide FFT in their communities. Come with questions, experiences, struggles, and celebrations.

Social Development Strategy (SDS) Workshop

  • Mar 18, 2024; 9:00am — Mar 19, 2024; 11:00am

During this interactive 2-day workshop, via Zoom, participants will learn the theory and outcomes associated with using the Social Development Strategy, explore the SDS Components in detail, and begin to create strategic plans for incorporating SDS into their own community prevention plans. Anyone working with youth in their community is welcome to register.

November EPIS Intro to CTC

  • Nov 13, 2023; 9:00am — Nov 13, 2023; 10:30am

Join us for an Introduction to Communities That Care (CTC)! This free webinar on November 13th, 2023 from 9:00- 10:30am, will introduce information for Communities That Care for any new members (i.e. Community Board Members, Committee members, or Key Leaders). Additionally, anyone interested in learning about Communities That Care for their PA community is welcome to join.

August CTC Learning Community - Meeting Attendance Strategies

  • Aug 8, 2023; 12:00pm — Aug 8, 2023; 1:00pm

Join us for the upcoming August CTC Learning Community - Meeting Attendance Strategies on August 8, 2023! During this month's call we will explore strategies to maximize meeting attendance within coalitions! This call is for anyone who is interested in learning more about CTC and for those involved in coalitions who want to hear more about increasing attendance.

July CTC Learning Community Call

  • Jul 18, 2023; 12:00pm — Jul 18, 2023; 1:00pm

Join us for the upcoming June CTC Learning Community Call on Tuesday July 18, 2023 for the opportunity to share information about your coalition. You will be able to share what is working well, what is an challenge or struggle you are facing and what is upcoming for your coalition. We will then discuss solutions and ideas for these topics together as a group!