Familias Fuertes (FF) is the Spanish adaptation of the Strengthening Families Program For Parents and Youth 10-14 (SFP 10-14). It is intended for delivery to Hispanic/Latino families with youth ages 10-14. The modifications were originally adapted for Spanish speaking countries by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). Modifications follow the overall SFP 10-14 model and is a seven-session program delivered over seven weeks. Parent(s) and/or caregiver(s) attend the program with their youth. Families share a meal together as they arrive, then the adults and youth meet separately for one hour, with the family coming together in the last hour for a family session.
Target Age Range(s)
Eligible Program Activities/Expenses
Implementation - Training
Implementation - Recruitment
Implementation - Data Collection
Data Tool
Evaluation Tool (Pre/Post Test)
Implementation - Program Implementation
Other Resources