LifeSkills Training (LST) is a multi-component substance abuse prevention curriculum addressing social, psychological, cognitive, and attitudinal factors associated with the use of various legal and illegal substances. LST's primary objective is to enhance the development of basic life skills, personal competence, and skills related to resistance to social influences that promote substance use.
LST Middle School Program, this three-year intervention is designed to prevent or reduce gateway drug use (i.e., tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana), and is primarily implemented in school classrooms by school teachers. It is initially introduced in grades 6 or 7, depending on the school structure, with booster sessions in the two subsequent years. The program is delivered in 15 sessions in year one, 10 sessions in year two, and 5 sessions in year three. Sessions, which last an average of 45 minutes, can be delivered once a week or as an intensive mini-course.